please keep us in prayer
every visit is so encouraging !!.

i am so happy to have you as my family! mY Heavenly FATHER IS REAL! i am rEAL! mY fAMILIES are rEAL! mY tWITTER SPIRITUAL FAMILY - REAL! ...
Tuesday February 9th, 2010 and i will check spelling and missed placed words later .lol blessings !!! i have been away for awhile (from blogging twittering youtuding.loloo and other stuff that keeps me sane/grounded. and that really is not funny.
yesterday was a bad day for me. journalizing about it i know will help. writing has kept me away from so much trouble. this is why i am here today. hoping not to repeat these mistakes.
i made an error with a patient. and it could have cost them their life. our Heavenly FATHER was with them. my patients usually blame themselves when i make errors. thats how much they love me. we were very short staffed in the hospital that day. i was upset the day before because i was working with patients and procedures that i did not know -and working with some unprofessional people. I LET MY PRIDE GET IN THE WAY! THIS COULD HAVE CAUSED SOMEBODY'S LIFE! the day before i listened to my inner judgment for this patients care, but this day i did not! plus plus plus i spent too much time with another patient earlier! it was a bad day for me and them.
i will try to find some bible scriptures to add to this post. I NEED THEM! GREATLY !!
i am usually working from cellphone dailup - very slow.loool .. there is a blessing in it. it has taught me to make blog post that are easy and fast to loadup for others on slow connections!
.me from twitter @HEhearsmE -- i been gone 4 awhile .my internet svc -down 4 aweek .i been working 2 much.18hour days .15yo girl is pregnant. i am sick&got lost. @hiirm
my sickness - migraines and ear aches - i manage with prayer, laughter/merry heart, and healthy lifestyle-except not enough rest! http://papahiram.blogspot.com/2009/07/what-about-people-plight-of-inner-city.html#links


please keep us in prayer
 every visit is so encouraging !!
picture taken of our 30th aniversary.
i took the picture this morning from the wall.lolo
my wife is very very plain.
they had to beg her to get beautified for the celebration.loloo
i love her so much!
Almost no talking in 1st years of marriage - no talking thru teen years, 20's and 30's. Raising 7 children . 
Working 7 days a week . Going to school . 
She working and going to school.

Our talking was 10 minutes or less . 10min for good talks . And 5 minutes for arguments . The kids thought our arguments were hilariously funny! Like WOW!!! This is more like TV!

We first lived with my grandparents then i bought a 18 room house at age 24yo. I had plans for running a publishing house and reading room there.

I helped raised the 7 children and some extras! Worked 7 nights a week . Took kids to church and spent lots of time with them.

Beautiful life! And still no talking.lolloo 

In our old age my son gave us his little house. But we didn’t stay long because of my severe acute migraines. Which are much better now! YES.YEA!!!

Now I am with 6 children - our little cousins and some extras . AND Im feeling much better!
JULY 13TH TUESDAY ... IM with little kING, another baby and some kids in the library - and im blogging!
im looking at this library walking around with the babies and realizing i want to build a large indoor playground! like an indoor park. i am inside with the babies because i dont like taking over folks babies outside much til they get 2 or 3 years old!
please keep us in prayer.
 every visit is so encouraging !!
Its a beautifulDAY. I've been a little sick. I wont be picking up the kids today. #pray4 mE. #blessings. #imblessed !!!
Its a beautifulDAY. I've been a little sick. I want be picking up the kids today. #pray4 mE. #blessings. #imblessed !!!
Can't take anyMore meds. Body turning more flips than a dead fish being revived by Jonah and the whale on the deepBLue sea !!loloo
I found the right herbs to take. Gonna blog it! Valerin. St john Wort. GinkoBil. Small lk 2 oz grape 8 oz water. All this will sen oxygen to brain.