papa hiirm an inner-city medical missionary

support local children's inner city medical missions

give your smile,

give an encouraging word!

give your prayers!

give your prayers!

give your smiles!

give encourgement!

for prayers, a little laughter,

and lots of HOPE !

its so cold from papa hiirm and the kids
* Email


and the leaf thereof for medicine. Ezekiel 47:11-13 #HERBS .. I LOVE HERBS !! .. frm papa @hiirm @HEhearsmE #pray4


mY HeavenlyFATHER &mY very very best FRIEND- JESUS watching over me !!frm papa @hiirm @HEhearsmE #pray @tweet_peace & #JOY ! #pray4 @pahiirm


i trust mY KING .. i know HE Cares for mE !! PEACE


no migraines for 2 days!

please keep us in prayer every visit is so encouraging !!
took break at 1am. I had to! stress working long hours, then asked to work different hospitals. I prayed n slept for 15mn.
And charting for 07/13-14/2010 wow.loloo then volunteer work in Nashville. church of Christ. Making a note. Hope I won't forget!
1st round treatments vitals done at 03:30. 2nd round 3:30 to 5:30 done. Getups caths ect 5:30 to **** I don't know. Lololoo
R @pahiirm i am so #thankful to be living with the kids ! #imblessed ! and im olden . lolo! they check on me everyday !be sure im breathing!
RT @pahiirm: #pray4 me .. i had 20 boils sores knots -possibly spider bites- from overworking in hospitals .. im down to 7 sores now ....


please keep us in prayer
every visit is so encouraging !!.

i am so happy to have you as my family! mY Heavenly FATHER IS REAL! i am rEAL! mY fAMILIES are rEAL! mY tWITTER SPIRITUAL FAMILY - REAL! ...
Tuesday February 9th, 2010 and i will check spelling and missed placed words later .lol blessings !!! i have been away for awhile (from blogging twittering youtuding.loloo and other stuff that keeps me sane/grounded. and that really is not funny.
yesterday was a bad day for me. journalizing about it i know will help. writing has kept me away from so much trouble. this is why i am here today. hoping not to repeat these mistakes.
i made an error with a patient. and it could have cost them their life. our Heavenly FATHER was with them. my patients usually blame themselves when i make errors. thats how much they love me. we were very short staffed in the hospital that day. i was upset the day before because i was working with patients and procedures that i did not know -and working with some unprofessional people. I LET MY PRIDE GET IN THE WAY! THIS COULD HAVE CAUSED SOMEBODY'S LIFE! the day before i listened to my inner judgment for this patients care, but this day i did not! plus plus plus i spent too much time with another patient earlier! it was a bad day for me and them.
i will try to find some bible scriptures to add to this post. I NEED THEM! GREATLY !!
i am usually working from cellphone dailup - very slow.loool .. there is a blessing in it. it has taught me to make blog post that are easy and fast to loadup for others on slow connections!
.me from twitter @HEhearsmE -- i been gone 4 awhile .my internet svc -down 4 aweek .i been working 2 much.18hour days .15yo girl is pregnant. i am sick&got lost. @hiirm
my sickness - migraines and ear aches - i manage with prayer, laughter/merry heart, and healthy lifestyle-except not enough rest!


please keep us in prayer
 every visit is so encouraging !!
picture taken of our 30th aniversary.
i took the picture this morning from the wall.lolo
my wife is very very plain.
they had to beg her to get beautified for the celebration.loloo
i love her so much!
Almost no talking in 1st years of marriage - no talking thru teen years, 20's and 30's. Raising 7 children . 
Working 7 days a week . Going to school . 
She working and going to school.

Our talking was 10 minutes or less . 10min for good talks . And 5 minutes for arguments . The kids thought our arguments were hilariously funny! Like WOW!!! This is more like TV!

We first lived with my grandparents then i bought a 18 room house at age 24yo. I had plans for running a publishing house and reading room there.

I helped raised the 7 children and some extras! Worked 7 nights a week . Took kids to church and spent lots of time with them.

Beautiful life! And still no talking.lolloo 

In our old age my son gave us his little house. But we didn’t stay long because of my severe acute migraines. Which are much better now! YES.YEA!!!

Now I am with 6 children - our little cousins and some extras . AND Im feeling much better!
JULY 13TH TUESDAY ... IM with little kING, another baby and some kids in the library - and im blogging!
im looking at this library walking around with the babies and realizing i want to build a large indoor playground! like an indoor park. i am inside with the babies because i dont like taking over folks babies outside much til they get 2 or 3 years old!
please keep us in prayer.
 every visit is so encouraging !!
Its a beautifulDAY. I've been a little sick. I wont be picking up the kids today. #pray4 mE. #blessings. #imblessed !!!
Its a beautifulDAY. I've been a little sick. I want be picking up the kids today. #pray4 mE. #blessings. #imblessed !!!
Can't take anyMore meds. Body turning more flips than a dead fish being revived by Jonah and the whale on the deepBLue sea !!loloo
I found the right herbs to take. Gonna blog it! Valerin. St john Wort. GinkoBil. Small lk 2 oz grape 8 oz water. All this will sen oxygen to brain.
Hmmm. A nurse is sleeping on the camera around 6am. 3/31/10 wednesday. I'm olden but not sleeping. Loloooo
Reality. I'm hv migraines. Almost no sleep since saturday. But spiritually I'm great!! STRONG!

papa hiirm an inner-city medical missionary

for prayers, a little laughter, and lots of HOPE !

papa hiirm hiirm Email
March 24 wednesday .. i messed up today .. almost no sleep no eating no taking meds since monday .. thats almost no sleep or food from monday to wednesday .. working and trying to get things done .. but i could have rested on tuesday .. #pray4 me hehearsme twitter I love you so much and I thank you for your prayers!
Well I'm off of pain meds. Now I can get things done! Pray4 me to eat right. Get rest. And!!TRUST oUR HOLY FATHER!
k earache. O man. Lollooo.
Heavenly FATHER. Help mE to let go of the past. Help mE to get rest. By the power of YOUR Word. Amen. My head hurts and. I'm just getting over a two wee



please keep us in prayer
 every visit is so encouraging !!
always working ... Showing HIS Love, HIS Mercy, HIS Joy !! ... from papa hiirm @hiirm
Child so small, watch and pray. OUr Heavenly FATHER, gives HIS Love, everyday. PRAYyyyy !! .... HE washed me in HIS Love. ...... OUr Heavenly FATHER is

what about the people ............................. the plight of inner city medical missions of USA

JANuary 12 - my migraines are getting better. yesterday i took the prescribed dosage. the other days i had been taking half or a third. i do not like taking pain medicine. my mine pain meds are herbs such as valerin root. i took it twice yesterday. i slept for 5 hours, then later another hour. i felt much better!!! i was running down those hospital halls like a teenager on skates.loloooo
my earache is still with me. lucky i started taking herbs (golden seal) a few days ago.
from OCT to JANUARY i have been dealing with family illness and my illness. trying to manage pain and work is kinda hard .lolooo. cold weather for me = ear aches and migraines. this week im averaging 3 hours of sleep a day. my spirit is great!!!!!!!
OCT 12,2009 im learning a lot of about my meds for pain and migraines. mY spirit is near perfect and PERFECT PERFECT with mY Heavenly FATHER!!
migraines and medicines not acting right! i guess i need to give them a whooping .lol.LOL #PRAY4 !!
hi! sept 27 Sunday 1st day of week .. some migraines . a little scarey, BUT SPIRITUALLY .. I FEEL GREAT GREAT GREAT !!!
its Monday Aug 31, and im trying to concentrate on the brass pole (JOHN 3.14) instead of the pole thats been sticking down into my head for the past 3 days (migraines). i need prayer!! HE is with me, and is telling me to slowdown !!!!
Its Friday Aug 21, 2009 – last week I worked too much, then my Heavenly FATHER gave me rest - I could not sign on to twitter .lololooll. now im heading into the city, then work in the mountains on Saturday, hopefully taking kids with me. They love the country. Keep us in your prayers! You know, I am praying for you. We are so blessed to have each other !!
friday aug 14th a long day. in going to schools, visit some missionaries that have worked with children. then a little rest and good food i hope .lol. then hospital - wound care and home visits!! i need the money, but cant work too much. HE is not happy when i overwork and try to do it all!
thursday aug13 working on blog tech stuff and twitter - now headache .lol. i dont think migraine.
... i know HE heard me. by the middle of the day. headache gone.
wednesday aug12th so many weird wonderful things going on involving the children!! im so happy. i just keep praying. its one thing i know i do best!! yall keep on praying. HE hears us!
**With 14 patients :9 of them total care: , .. i can give 5 star hotel care. ... 6 homes and 2 hospitals .. Im olden !!
sunday and monday i worked very hard and tirelessly - on mond i decided to take aspirin. one of my few meds. very few headaches . i was very very happy with my medical work
aug 1st saturday i took the children to the mountains to see family. that was little rest from friday 10pm to monday 3pm - very little money-paid work, some family time, lots of mission work - i need to slowdown - and HE will do it .lol .. i need prayer to know i cant do it all !!
july 29th
friday to wednesday - small headaches, taking HIS meds (herbs). i can get rest with small headaches. the big ones are like a catch22 situation. migraine - they pound .lol. sTomP - cant rest - cant think - finally remember to take herbs - only thing i can take - alergic to synthetics - a little rest - next day more rest - then ahhh!!! - only small headaches - YES!!!
thursday to friday morning - knots and poles in the head - i got some rest and herbs .lol
wednesday - the whole brain is in slow motion .lol. time to break!
tuesday - my headache went away when i got on twitter. 10,000's's of people. wow!
sunday - tuesday afternoon long shifts paid and volunteer. i know very little rest.
saturday, 4 hours of sleep and 40 patients, the sleep part was my fault. with migraines, my brain was like a slow running computer - kinda scarey. pray for me. and smile, HE is the MOUNTAIN !!
friday afternoon, im feeling better and getting ready for a long day in medical work, Praise HIM
its friday, im grouping, and trying to show my faith. my Heavenly knows mE!!

wednesday jul 15 2009
im mad - im sad - im overwhelmed - im the crazy people
im an inner city medical missionary feeling down
im a man that needs prayer
i know my Heavenly Father loves mE, ... i need more faith

more meetings, ... more people telling you more budget cuts, ... medical ccompanies building more buildings.

what about the people, what about sick, what about the needy, what about the caregivers?

i have to learn to depend more on my Heavenly Father. ... im olden :lol: ... and im seeing cities building more buildings and spending more on sports teams, ... cities spending more on entertainment. ... im seeing cities making more budget cuts. ... cutting workers pay.

what about the people, what about the dad that is working from sunrise to late night?
what about the mom that is starting her work day before sunrise?
what about the children - who is watching them?
somebody has to provide for the child, pay the water bill, pay for food and home.

im seeing families living in tents in campcenters. this is suppose to American.
you work hard, but dont get sick, ... DONT get sick. Dont let anything negative happen.

After losing homes, families move into tents

The Tennessean - Jennifer Brooks, Shelley Mays - ‎Jul 12, 2009‎
No one knows how many people are living in campgrounds in Middle Tennessee. But visit any area campground and it's easy to pick out the permanent residents ...

then im trying to provide families - these are working families,
Families that work everday -

im trying to provide families with medical assistance. trying is the key word.
im working over 80 hours a week and its still not enough.

who is paying for the transportation - gas is high.

who is paying for the simple meds, ... who is paying for healthy foods used as medicine - like juice,
garlic being used an antiobiotic, whole wheat crackers?

by the Power of HIS Blood,
HIS only begotten Son - Jesus

HE is in control!! i need to understand. ... i need to understand that HE will provide. this is really what these blogs are all about.

its very hard for me to put really put my faith in HIM. i say i trust, but my actions say something else. my actions say i put my faith, ... my trust in how much i can work. ALL THE TIME my Heavenly FATHER is showing me - HE loves me, HE will provide, HE is in control.

This is what my Heavenly does for me - something no one. ... no one else can do -
HE makes me feel like my grandparents are taking care of me like when i was young.
its an awesome. i need to stop feeling sad, ... ... but its hard. ... ... i see so much.
i need to remember my post on 'How long O lord' * some things in life we cannot understand
Jun 30, 2009.

I pray that we can see each other with the spiritual eyes HE has given uS !!!
My life is blessed by having so many Christian people around me and so many praying people around me. Please keep praying, oUR Heavenly FATHER hears uS !!!!!
or me to get an internet signal out. Lolololoooo that's life. Keep oUR Heavenly FATHER close to your heart!
Knowing you makes my life rich! Blessings from your brother, papa hiram. I have missed yall. Been a little sick and family a little sick. Plus so hard f