please keep us in prayer
every visit is so encouraging !!.
every visit is so encouraging !!.
i am so happy to have you as my family! mY Heavenly FATHER IS REAL! i am rEAL! mY fAMILIES are rEAL! mY tWITTER SPIRITUAL FAMILY - REAL! ...
Tuesday February 9th, 2010 and i will check spelling and missed placed words later .lol blessings !!! i have been away for awhile (from blogging twittering youtuding.loloo and other stuff that keeps me sane/grounded. and that really is not funny.
yesterday was a bad day for me. journalizing about it i know will help. writing has kept me away from so much trouble. this is why i am here today. hoping not to repeat these mistakes.
i made an error with a patient. and it could have cost them their life. our Heavenly FATHER was with them. my patients usually blame themselves when i make errors. thats how much they love me. we were very short staffed in the hospital that day. i was upset the day before because i was working with patients and procedures that i did not know -and working with some unprofessional people. I LET MY PRIDE GET IN THE WAY! THIS COULD HAVE CAUSED SOMEBODY'S LIFE! the day before i listened to my inner judgment for this patients care, but this day i did not! plus plus plus i spent too much time with another patient earlier! it was a bad day for me and them.
i will try to find some bible scriptures to add to this post. I NEED THEM! GREATLY !!
i am usually working from cellphone dailup - very slow.loool .. there is a blessing in it. it has taught me to make blog post that are easy and fast to loadup for others on slow connections!
.me from twitter @HEhearsmE -- i been gone 4 awhile .my internet svc -down 4 aweek .i been working 2 much.18hour days .15yo girl is pregnant. i am sick&got lost. @hiirm
Tuesday February 9th, 2010 and i will check spelling and missed placed words later .lol blessings !!! i have been away for awhile (from blogging twittering youtuding.loloo and other stuff that keeps me sane/grounded. and that really is not funny.
yesterday was a bad day for me. journalizing about it i know will help. writing has kept me away from so much trouble. this is why i am here today. hoping not to repeat these mistakes.
i made an error with a patient. and it could have cost them their life. our Heavenly FATHER was with them. my patients usually blame themselves when i make errors. thats how much they love me. we were very short staffed in the hospital that day. i was upset the day before because i was working with patients and procedures that i did not know -and working with some unprofessional people. I LET MY PRIDE GET IN THE WAY! THIS COULD HAVE CAUSED SOMEBODY'S LIFE! the day before i listened to my inner judgment for this patients care, but this day i did not! plus plus plus i spent too much time with another patient earlier! it was a bad day for me and them.
i will try to find some bible scriptures to add to this post. I NEED THEM! GREATLY !!
i am usually working from cellphone dailup - very slow.loool .. there is a blessing in it. it has taught me to make blog post that are easy and fast to loadup for others on slow connections!
.me from twitter @HEhearsmE -- i been gone 4 awhile .my internet svc -down 4 aweek .i been working 2 much.18hour days .15yo girl is pregnant. i am sick&got lost. @hiirm
my sickness - migraines and ear aches - i manage with prayer, laughter/merry heart, and healthy lifestyle-except not enough rest! http://papahiram.blogspot.com/2009/07/what-about-people-plight-of-inner-city.html#links